How Does Semaglutide Work for Weight Loss?

With growing advertisements and a social media craze, chances are you’ve heard of the new weight loss treatment called semaglutide.

More commonly known under the brand name Wegovy and others, semaglutide injections have shown promising results when used for weight loss purposes. If you’re interested in learning more, you’re in the right place!

Let’s go over the basics surrounding the drug, what to expect with an appointment, as well as who is best suited for this weight loss treatment. 

What is Semaglutide?

Semaglutide was formulated as an antidiabetic medication used to help people with Type 2 diabetes. Throughout testing and monitored treatment, semaglutide had proven itself effective in aiding those who struggle with seeing results for effective long term weight loss.

Due to its notable success in helping patients reduce body fat, it has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as an effective weight loss medication in addition to its original intended purpose.

Why has semaglutide become popular for weight loss?

How Does Semaglutide Work for Weight Loss

The reason the active ingredient in this treatment is so versatile is due to its ability to mimic the natural hormones our body produces during active weight loss. These hormones activate the GLP-1 receptors which aid our body in regulating blood sugar, allowing patients to feel full for longer. As the feeling of hunger subsides, the desire to eat lessens. 

Should you be worried about side effects?

With any medication comes the potential for negative side effects. The use of semaglutide treatments is no different. Although weight management has been an effective positive side effect of the mediation, negative side effects that may accompany your semaglutide weight loss journey could include nausea, headaches, decrease in blood pressure, fatigue, dizziness, and other mild symptoms. 

For a full understanding of how this treatment could affect any pre-existing health conditions, consult your primary care physician or health care provider for a more comprehensive understanding. 

What is the process of administering semaglutide?

The specifics of administering the medication will be outlined by a care provider dependent on the body’s specific needs. For most the weight loss treatment is administered via a small injection under the skin. These injections can be placed in the arm, abdomen, or thigh.

For the length of treatment, you receive an injection once a week, with or without food. You can vary the day of injection, as long as it’s within 2 days of the previous injection.

Who should use semaglutide and who shouldn’t?

Below we’ve outlined some general pieces of information that will help individuals understand if seeking a semaglutide treatment is right for them.  

Those who are obese can benefit from semaglutide

If you’re struggling with chronic weight management regardless of lifestyle changes, then semaglutide may be an appropriate treatment option for you.

A history of pancreatitis and semaglutide

Similar to those with thyroid concerns, if you or your family have a history of pancreatitis, be sure to bring that to your practitioner's attention. The use of semaglutide could worsen symptoms. 

Common questions and concerns about semaglutide

Lastly, let’s take a few moments to go over some frequently asked questions that individuals have when considering using semaglutide as a viable weight management program. 

How much weight can you lose with semaglutide?

The amount of weight that can be lost is heavily dependent on the patient's starting weight, as well as how well they choose to adhere to diet and exercise while administering the medication. 

What does maintenance of semaglutide look like?

For weight loss, administering doses of semaglutide are fairly simple and straightforward. Your provider will have weekly injections for you to administer in pre-filled cartridges, if not completed through weekly appointments at a wellness spa.

Balanced Health and Wellness will introduce all the wonders of semaglutide!

Ready to use semaglutide to achieve weight loss? Excited to learn why people use semaglutide as their go-to for improved weight management? Balanced Health and Wellness is excited to introduce you to the wonders of semaglutide, making your dreams of losing weight a tangible reality.  For more information, or to book your next appointment, visit us online. We can't wait to work with you!


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